The cursed of the Mummy by Candace Fleming | Book Review

The cursed of the Mummy by Candace Fleming | Book Review

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“Factual, mysterious, and well-described.”

Reading age





Scholastic Focus

Publication date

September 7, 2021

My brief summary of the book

Tutankhamun, the Boy King of Egypt, had died too young. Tomb Robbers visited his tomb a few times, but by luck, the weather had hidden it well from the eyes of the thieves. Four thousand years later, an English earl called by the name Lord Carnarvon wanted to try his fortune of digging riches from the land of Egypt. Howard Carter wished to discover the boy king’s tomb with his excavation partner. Will they succeed or get cursed?

My thoughts

The Curse of the Mummy tells you the whole truth of the discovery of King Tut. Even if you know the story, the author makes it so captivating, expertly written, flawless to read, and unputdownable. The author added photos and captions throughout the book to illustrate her story. At the end of each chapter, it has sections called “It was said…”. It tells you of the many claims of people about Tut’s curse (I am not so sure if the curse is real or if it is just coincidences). Overall, I learned new things, and I was awed by this book.

My rating

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Do you believe in curses? I am not so sure if the curse is real or if it is just coincidences. Leave me a comment below.

About the author

“I have always been a storyteller. Even before I could write my name, I could tell a good tale… As I grew, I continued to write stories. But I never really thought of becoming an author. Instead, I went to college, where I discovered yet another passion–history… But writing children’s books is harder than it looks. For three years, I wrote story after story. I sent them to publisher after publisher. And I received rejection letter after rejection letter. Still, I didn’t give up. I kept trying until finally, one of my stories was pulled from the slush pile and turned into a book. My career as a children’s author had begun.” – Amazon

More by Candace Fleming

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