The Clackity by Lora Senf | Book Review

The Clackity by Lora Senf | Book Review

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Reading age



Horror fiction


Atheneum Books for Young Readers

Publication date

July 18, 2023

Would you go through fear, stress, and anxiety to save the only family you have left?

Evie lives in Blight Harbor, the 7th most haunted town in America. Ghosts and the supernatural is expected in this town. Most otherworldly are harmless, but some are not, and the most common example is the serial killer John Jeffery Pope. Her aunt also studies and examines the supernatural. One day her aunt had to go on a mission inside an abattoir (french word for slaughterhouse). Evie followed her, but her aunt got captured by a creature called the Clackity. Evie and the Clackity made a deal in which Evie would have to go through 7 houses, no cheating. The houses would show her greatest fears, challenges, and regrets. The Clackity told her that her aunt would be in the 7th house. The clackity promised that she could keep her aunt if, in return, she gave him the cow and piggy man, who is John Jeffery Pope. Can she keep up her end of the deal and save her aunt? Can Evie get out of this adventure alive?

I was supposed to save this book for my summer break in Belgium. But I started a few days before leaving, and I loved this book so much that I couldn’t stop reading it. I ended up finishing this book before vacation.

Where to start: I loved this book so much! I enjoy reading about the considerable diversity in the houses. The houses were so different from each other. Each house represents one of Evie’s greatest fears: height, fire, etc. My favorite house was the last one. You have to read this book to find out.

I also noticed that the book kept mentioning that John Jeffery Pope was a handsome man that slaughtered pigs for a living. The book also said that John Jeffery Pope liked to collect toes.

The book had a truthful moral: we are more full of ourselves than we know. We all want to act cool, big, and strong, but we are afraid when danger happens.

Give this book to anyone who loves a great spooky story filled with ghosts, witches, and monsters.

My rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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