The Animal in Amy’s Mirror (book 2 of the Animal in Amy series) written by Joe Richardson and illustrated by Roisin Bradley  | Book Review

The Animal in Amy’s Mirror (book 2 of the Animal in Amy series) written by Joe Richardson and illustrated by Roisin Bradley | Book Review

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. Disclosure here.

Reading age





Belkenny Publishing

Publication date

October 1, 2023

Spoiler Alert – 1st book review here.

Amy, Jamie, a new friend named CD, and her grandfather must stop reflection monsters from kidnapping poor children from the other side.

Amy Cupples defeated her evil substitute teacher in her latest adventure and thought she could finally relax. But nope, the universe had other plans for her. Kids are going missing left and right, and strange scorch marks are being left in mirrors after they’re kidnapped.
Amy’s grandfather comes to visit and drops a bombshell – it’s all the work of evil monsters from the Reflection. They’re snatching kids out of revenge for Grandpa killing their past emperor. It sounds like a plot from a sci-fi movie. But hold on tight because it gets even crazier. A monster named Lifford attacks them, and Amy realizes she’s got to step up and stop these monsters from taking any more kids. Can they save the day with the help of her friend Jamie, her grandpa, and a new ally from the Reflection named CD?

Amy’s adventures keep getting crazier and crazier. The sequel was even more adventurous than the first one if you can believe it. And let me tell you, that’s saying something! Amy is as determined as ever, but her abilities didn’t shine quite as brightly this time. Still, she managed to keep us excited.
And wait to get me started on the ending! It was so shocking it left me with my jaw on the floor. But don’t worry, I won’t spoil it for you. You’ll have to read it for yourself.

Amy’s best friend, Jamie, is as loyal and supportive as ever throughout the book. And let’s remember Amy’s grandfather, an eccentric character who adds a lot of humor to the story.

If you loved the first book in the series, you must get your hands on this one. I promise you won’t be disappointed. It’s a wild ride from start to finish!

My rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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