SCRAM, Society of Creatures Real and Magical by Rory Lucey | Graphic Novel Review

SCRAM, Society of Creatures Real and Magical by Rory Lucey | Graphic Novel Review

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. Disclosure here.

Reading age



Fantasy (GN)


First Second

Publication date

16 Jul 2024

Jenny, Emiko, and Brian comprise the Society of Creatures Real and Magical. But there shouldn’t be a SCRAM if they never find a magical creature.
Their first quest was to seek out a troll, a creature of legend that few had ever seen. To find this elusive beast, SCRAM had to delve deep into the annals of ancient lore and uncover the secrets of these mystical creatures. They learned that trolls were nocturnal beings who loved nothing more than the sweet nectar of frog juice. With this knowledge, SCRAM set out to find their quarry, determined to succeed where others had failed.

The book was hilarious. The best part about it was how it was such a wild ride – there were all sorts of crazy things happening that you’d never expect to find in real life. I mean, have you ever heard of frog juice? I sure hadn’t! But in this book, it’s just another everyday drink. And don’t even get me started on the fish heads in the boots – I could practically smell the stench wafting off the pages!

The characters were all fantastic, but my absolute favorite had to be Brian. He was hilarious, always finding the craziest things in the trash can. Who else would find a fish head inside a boot and think it was a typical Tuesday?

All in all, I can’t recommend this book enough. This book is for you if you’re into magical creatures and off-the-wall adventures. Trust me, you won’t regret giving it a read!

My rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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