Nightbooks by J.A. White | Book Review

Nightbooks by J.A. White | Book Review

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Reading age





Katherine Tegen Books

Publication date

July 24, 2018

Summary of the book

Alex Mosher loved monsters and scary creatures, but kids made fun of him for this interest. One night when Alex went to the basement of his apartment to burn his nightbooks- Scary stories he wrote in journals- He landed on the fourth floor, not his destination. Then, Alex heard sounds in room 4E. This sound was his favorite scary movie, and once he entered the room, he fell asleep and woke up in an old-fashioned room. Soon Alex met a witch named Natacha. She wants him to write and read her a story every night. After this, he found out that there was another prisoner, Yasmin. Can Alex and Yasmin escape Natacha’s clutches and return to their original home?

Laly’s thoughts

I watched the movie before I read the book, so I knew what to expect. There were some minor changes between the film and the book. But the author did a great job of writing this book. This book was full of figurative language, which helped me enjoy and understand the book better. I also felt like I was in Alex’s and Yasmin’s adventures.
I think the book is fantasy and not horror fiction. It didn’t feel creepy or anything like that. But a fantastic book; I loved it.

Laly’s rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

About the author

“J. A. White lives in New Jersey with his wife, three sons, and a hamster named Ophelia that doesn’t like him very much. When he’s not making up stories, he teaches a bunch of kids how to make up stories (along with math and science and other important stuff). He wishes dragons were real because it would be a much cooler way to get to work.” – Amazon.

More by the author

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