Night Lights: Six Original Fables Inspired by the Zodiac, illustrated and written by Jeannie K. Johnson | Book Review

Night Lights: Six Original Fables Inspired by the Zodiac, illustrated and written by Jeannie K. Johnson | Book Review

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. Disclosure here.

Reading age





Juju Press

Publication date

November 7, 2023

Six stories of the twelve Zodiac signs continue to amaze us.

This book takes place in multiple situations involving Zodiac signs like Pisces and Aries. Read this book, which is chockful of inspiration and good lessons!

I was delighted to receive the book because it was about astrological signs! Fun fact: I’m a Pisces. What is your Zodiac sign?
This beautifully written book combines zodiac elements with meaningful fables.
The illustrations are lovely and have a sound color palette. There were a lot of plot twists, and the constellations of the zodiac signs were also at the end of each story.

My favorite story was The Twins and the Bull because I liked the mysterious and wise factor of the story.

The ram was a bit hotheaded. The two fish were clever. The water bearer was skillful. The goat was mysterious. The archer is kindhearted. The scorpion is grateful. The maiden was a good baker. The lion was hotheaded as well but got better. The crab was kind. The twins were aspiring explorers and competitive. The bull is wise.

Give this book to anyone interested in stories among the stars! With Light Nights, you will never be afraid of the dark anymore.
Thank you, Book Publicity Services, for gifting me a copy to review.

My rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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