Jordie & Joey Fell From the Sky by Judi Lauren | Book Review

Jordie & Joey Fell From the Sky by Judi Lauren | Book Review

Happy winner of an exclusive signed copy. Thank you Jolly Fish Press. I am writing this review voluntarily. All opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. Disclosure here.

Reading age





North Star Editions

Publication date

April 17, 2022

A mindblowing story that features twin brothers, Jordie and Joey, who could be descended from aliens.

Twin foster kid brothers, Jordie and Joey, have never really fit in with the others at school. The reason? Jordie and Joey have crop circle marks on their backs. Jordie thinks that this could mean that their parents are aliens. After Joey gets into a fight, the twins know that their foster mother, Katie, would kick them out if she caught wind of this. Journeying to New Mexico, along with a friend called Nadia, is the only option to see if their parents are alive and are from outer space.

This fantastic book combines mystery, action, and adventure.
The settings in desert-hot Arizona and New Mexico are exciting. It was fun to read about the pitstops they made along their journey. The fast-food restaurants made me a little hungry.

Curious Jordie was highly interested in aliens. He did lots of research to learn about their maybe parents. Joey is a courageous person. He’d jump in the face of danger and always come out as the victor.

The theme is never to bend nor break. I recommend this book to Alien Abduction Enthusiasts and a good sci-fi story.

After reading Ms. Lauren’s debut book, I am eager to research aliens, ufos, and abductions. I am so excited to learn more!

Thanks, @jollyfishpress, and @judilauren, for this out-of-this-world book.

My rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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