Hello, Universe by Erin Entrada Kelly  | Book Review

Hello, Universe by Erin Entrada Kelly  | Book Review

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. Disclosure here.

Reading age



Realistic fiction


Greenwillow Books

Publication date

March 14, 2017

Four different kids, all very different, Virgil Salinas, Valencia Somerset, Kaori Tanaka, and Chet Bullens, all, in a way, met each other. Is it fate or coincidence?
Virgil brings his guinea pig, Gulliver, to Koari’s home. Koari can tell the future, read the stars, and do all other kinds of stuff physicists do. On Virgil’s previous visit, he told her he liked someone with the initials V.S., But on his next visit, Virgil is held up by Chet, the neighborhood bully. With Gulliver inside, Chet takes Virgil’s bag and throws it down the well. And Virgil decided to go inside the well for Gulliver. That same day, Valencia was also going to visit Kaori. But Kaori senses something is wrong, and Virgil is in trouble. With the help of her little sister, Gen, Kaori, Gen, and Valencia set out to find Virgil. Is it just a coincidence, or are some things meant to be?

This book is truly a masterpiece that offers a unique and captivating perspective. What makes the book even more intriguing is that it seamlessly switches perspectives while narrating from the third person’s point of view.

The book’s climax was nothing short of a breathtaking cliffhanger that left me yearning for more. I had to Google whether there was a second installment in the series.

One exciting aspect of the book is that you become privy to all the information when you read it from every perspective. It can be frustrating when a character tries to figure out something another already knows. It’s as if you’re screaming at the book, trying to get the character to catch up with you.

If you’re a fan of adventure and believe in destiny, I highly recommend this book. However, even if you don’t believe in either, I still urge you to read it. The book is a must-read for anyone who wants to delve into a world of mystery and wonder.

My rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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