I received this book for free in exchange of an honest review. All opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. Disclosure here.
Reading age
Realistic fiction
Learning Spark Educational Publishing
Publication date
June 27, 2023
Review from my little sister, Laly:
It’s summer break, and Harper, a soon-to-be fourth grader, is attending Critter Camp. This camp is for kids who love animals (more than 500 animals!). Harper made friends quickly, but there was one problem. Harper was terrified of birds. And against all odds, Harper had to be assigned with the Raptors, which are carnivorous birds. She has to take care of a saw-whet owl named Petrie. All was well until Harper accidentally released the tiny owl. Now it’s up to Harper and her friends to find Petrie back before long. And could she overcome her ornithophobia (fear of birds)?
I read this book in one sitting because the story was a pure joy to read.
I loved the illustrated cover and the drawings throughout the book. Thank you, @sparkgilpin, for drawing Petrie so adorable.
If you want to see what Petrie looks like in real life, search Northern Saw-Whet owls on Google.
When I saw this book, I wanted to go to Critter Camp. I noticed that this book is only about one day in Critter Camp. This book will likely be a series with 14 books in it. There was only one thing that I wanted to know more about Harper’s friends.
This book had a simple theme, such as overcoming your fear and thinking smarter, not harder. I recommend this book to young readers who like animals, especially birds.
My rating